Archives denounce Carlos Bruce for the inauguration of the restaurant | Politics


The Subcommittee on Constitutional Accusations of the The Congress filed the complaint of violation of the Constitution against the Congressman Carlos Bruce (Peruvians for Kambio), accused of having asked a police guard for the inauguration of a restaurant that he owns in 2016.

After having submitted to the debate on the qualification report against the official member of Congress, the aforementioned committee decided, by 10 votes in favor and one against, not to continue the investigation.

During the debate, the parliamentarian Juan Sheput (PpK) asserted that the denunciation to his teammate had already been evaluated by the Ethics Committee of the The Congress, where it was decided to recommend a penalty of 60 days suspension.

Similar opinion expressed by the legislator Javier Velásquez Quesquén (Parliamentary Cell Aprista) said that it was not correct that the subcommittee come back on this issue and stressed that the group should not be used to avenge its opponents.

For his part, Congressman Mario Mantilla (Fuerza Popular), argued that a new review of Bruce's situation needs to be carried out, while his colleague, Karina Beteta, supported the final decision of the Sub- committee because, according to him, it can not be attributed to him a peculation. bad

The congressman Marco Arana (Frente Amplio) was the only one who voted against.

In December 2016, Carlos Bruce He sent a letter to General PNP Hugo Begazo Bedoya in which he announced the inauguration of the restaurant La Trastienda.

On 23 August, the plenary session of The Congress approved the report of the Ethics Committee which, after modifications during the debate, had recommended a written warning and a 60-day Bruce.

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