Astronomy | NASA shows the shield that will protect its next probe that will study the Sun | Trade | Technology and science | Science


On August 4, NASA will launch one of its most ambitious missions, will send the Parker Solar Probe, a probe that will travel to Sol to study the crown of the star and thus better understand its behavior. Two months after the event, the space agency showed the shield that will protect the ship in its mission

This is " two carbon-carbon composite panels superheated interspersed with a core in light carbon foam., 43 centimeters thick ", the probe should be able to" reflect as much energy as possible from the Sun ".

In addition to this new shield, which is already installed in the Parker Solar Probe, the face of the aircraft that will look to the star of the solar system will be sprayed with a "specially white coating formulated ".

This technology will allow the probe to withstand temperatures close to 1,370 degrees Celsius, maintaining a relatively comfortable temperature of 29.4 degrees "inside .

The ship will break a record as the human construction closest to the Sun has reached, reaching a distance of 6.4 million kilometers, which is quite close if we consider that the first planet of our star system, Mercury, is 57.9 million kilometers away.

With this mission, NASA hopes to better understand how it works from the Sun's Crown as well as the processes that occur in its interior.

The name of this aircraft is due to the astrophysicist Eugene N. Parker, responsible for the theory of solar storms and various studies on the Sun, which was present at the time. Project Exposure in May 2017.

On the occasion, NASA's director of the time, Thomas Zurbuchen, explained that it was the first time that "it was the first time". a "probe was named in the honor of a scientist still alive," adding that the gesture is a way of "doing the story".

Source: Emol-GDA

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