"Asu Mare 3": What do we think of Carlos Alcántara's film? | Critical


With "Asu Mare 3"We miss something the first time." This third movie has a faster pace, it's a more physical comedy, but with unbearable characters and situations, if you've ever seen the movie trailer, then everything is there.

In history, written by no less than three people, there is nothing else: Cachin (Carlos Alcántara) and Emilia (Emilia Drago) wait for a child. They go to Miami to shop for the baby (which seems rather outdated today) and Cachin finds Brenda (Melania Urbina), an old love of youth, who has a 9 year old son and we already imagine who is the father. In the dilemma of telling the truth to Emilia, Cachin will know more about his son. In a moment, everything will be complicated, some scenes will be solved later and nothing else.

"Asu Mare 3"It looks like a movie with patches, with many additions, in which I guess the Ecuadorian director Jorge Ulloa, one of the creators of Enchufe TV (popular comedy show on YouTube) found a scenario where the humor, as in the other two films, was very verbal, it depended on all that was said, then he inserted more his style: unexpected and comical detail that infiltrates the screen or an absurd trick.

With that managed to make sure that the humor of this new movie depends more on his images, visual effects, a cartoon logic. But this no-pause hype that can be effective in a 5-minute YouTube clip does not work in an hour and a half of a very flat story. From the management, you notice the intention to do something different, but that does not break with what the script says. "Asu Mare 3" can be laughable at different times, but in general, the result is disappointing.

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