"Avengers 4": All that directors Joe and Anthony Russo have revealed on "Avengers: Infinity War"


Brothers Joe and Anthony Russo, directors ofAvengers: Infinity War"They answered a few questions about the franchise of Marvel Studios to a group of fans, they gave clues on the release date of the trailer"Avengers 4"and the new arc that could be followed by the following superhero movies, here are some of the key points.


One of the most impressive scenes of the film was the fight of the heroes against Thanos. Here, the Strange doctor He used a multiplication technique to deal with the opponent.

Russo clarified in the event organized by the magazine Collider─ that & # 39; it Mad Titan used the gem of the soul to find the original Stephen Strange and tear off the Eye of Agamotto. In addition, they specified that he was using the power of this jewel to speak to Gamoraafter his death click.


Although they have already revealed this information months ago, they specified a detail of the fight between Thanos and Hulk in the Asgardian ship: the Crazy Titan has never used the Power Jewel to defeat him "Avengers: Infinity War"

Joe and Anthony Russo They explained that the villain had managed to win the battle by being more cunning and calculating than the unbelievable man.


The filmmakers also put an end to rumors about a possible appearance of the sintezoide in "Avengers 4"They said that the character is dead, after Thanos he tore Jewel of the spirit of the head.

In addition, when fans asked if he was still connected to the Gem of the Mind, they said, "The vision is dead."


The fans were waiting for a meeting between Iron Man and Captain America in "Avengers: Infinity War"After the two have distanced themselves after the events of"Captain America: Civil War. But that never happened.

They mentioned that there was a scene in which Tony is trying to call Steve Rogers, but this one could not reach the screens because it did not come from the way they had planned it.


The russo They also remembered the father of the characters who now play in his films. They joked while remembering that Stan Lee he complained of having just one sentence in the movie.

They also stated that the comic writer had never rejected any of his cameos in the franchise and that he had been informed of it just before reaching the plateaus.

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