Avoid these complications when you put earrings on your newborn


Some parents think that it is better to put earloops on newborns as this will quickly make the pain forget. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics believes that this practice could be very dangerous for the baby.

According to specialists, piercing the ears of newborns can increase the risk of infections and injuries.

Dangers of putting baby earrings

In many cultures, it is normal to pierce the newborn's ears, but pediatricians confirm that it is a dangerous practice for the following reasons:

1. The baby can swallow the ear loop

This may seem impossible, but pediatricians indicate that it is more common than we think.

Ear loops are small pieces of metal that can be very dangerous for the baby because they get caught in clothes and accidentally enter the child's mouth.

The consequences can be very serious, such as injuries to the esophagus and other complications.

2. Infections

It is a mistake to put earloops on newborns because if they are made within a few days or hours of birth, they probably have not been administered before tetanus vaccine.

It is a serious bacterial infection caused mainly by a deep wound. It causes painful muscle spasms and can lead to death.

In general, the vaccine is not applied before the age of two months. Therefore, piercing the baby's ear with an ear tag increases the risk of illness.

3. allergies

As the baby is a newborn, we probably do not know what allergies he may have. Therefore, if it shows an allergic reaction to the metal of the ear, an infection develops in the earlobe.

4. Lobe rupture

Putting earrings in rings or rings is very dangerous for the baby because they are easy to hang and can cause tearing of the earlobe.

5. Queloides

The doeoides occur when after an injury, in this case ear piercing, there is an exaggerated reaction of the body.

Once the hole is made, the body perceives it as a trauma and will try to heal it, so that the keloids, that is to say the tissue formations around the hole, are formed.

In most cases, surgery is required to remove them.

How to avoid complications?

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends waiting until the girl is great to break through and avoid the risks.

It is recommended that only gold earrings be used to prevent infections, and in a place where the material is properly sterilized.

It is not advisable to use drilling rigs because they can not be sterilized and there is a risk of infection for the girl. In more severe cases, hepatitis can develop.

You already know that before putting on your baby's ear curls, consult an expert and remember that it's best to wait until it's bigger, with information from your doctor.

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