Battle Royale: origins and history of the famous genre that Fortnite and PUBG have exploded | Video games | Technology and Science


Since 2017, one game mode has been positioned above the others in the video game market: Battle Royale . First with Playeruknown Battlegrounds and then with the Fortnite Free Mode many companies are setting up this mode for their future games.

How Battle Royale ]? What is your story? In this article, we will try to reveal why it has become such a popular game mode in the last year, dating back to the beginning of the use of words Battle Royale .

It is necessary to point out that there is no historical record of the first appearance of the term in an entertainment product, rather than a type of fight in the fight and a book published in 1999 in Japan that explored this concept. Without further ado, it is the history of Battle Royale :

First appearance: Wrestling

The concept of Battle Royale was used in his debut as a type of professional wrestling. The fighters, enter the same space to fight in an all against all, being the last fighter standing in the ring declared winner. Unfortunately, this way of fighting was one of many that existed for clashes of more than two fighters in a ring.

For example, the World Wrestling Entertainment Inc. ( WWE ) created his own Battle Royal called Royal Rumble whose first edition is 1988 . The main difference from the original mode, was that instead of starting the fight with all the participants inside a ring, the fighters would come in one by one at 2 minute intervals (now they enter every minute and a half).

Battle Royale (1999), Japan

In April 1999, a novel was published by the company Ohta Publishing with this name. Written by Koushun Takami Battle Royal became a resounding success, and was then brought to the big screen with two films of the same name: Battle Royale which was based on the book, and Battle Royale II: Requiem its direct continuation.

This novel tells the story of a Japan with great participation in the World War II establishing the Great Republic of Far East creating a highly controversial game that took place each year: Battle Royale .

Participants of the game they were randomly selected in all public and private schools of the state. The participation of a school and a room between the 4th and the 5th secondary was abandoned . The main objective of the game was to survive, and only one of the game's students could do it.

The wrestling mode and the book presented the basis of what would be known as the Battle Royale : a large group of fighters face each other in a limited space and only one can win. 19659004] The Hunger Games (1965)

The trilogy written by Suzanne Collins in 2008 also explored this concept of Battle Royale but itself commented that more was based on the history of Theseus and the Minotaur focusing on the feeling of not being able to do anything against death in such an event .

in a fictitious country called Panen where The Capitol a central territory of the region, directs 12 districts which divide the jobs necessary to keep the country in market . Due to a rebellion, The Capitol created The Hunger Games where each district chooses two people, called tributes, to fight in an arena to the death. Only one can remain standing and the entire event is broadcast on TV.

The Hunger Games meets the same rule as the Battle Royale : everyone must die and only one can be the winner Unlike the other examples, in this case, there is a zone where participants can collect weapons and resources early in the battle, but they may be killed by other tributes for trying

. it is this series that propelled one of the first appearances of the genre in video games through Minecraft .

Minecraft: Survival Games

Originally named as the trilogy of Collins ] Survival Games are a game mode of Minecraft where participants are transported to a central area of ​​a map with chests filled with weapons and resources.

of the movie, this game mode was born on private servers to match thousands of users who wanted a fast and action packed game, different from the survival mode of Mincraft where there is not much risk going more than a few monsters on the map.

The name of Hunger Games was changed to Survival Games to avoid future copyright problems but the main theme remained.

Weapon 2, DayZ and Weapon 3

Weapon 2 is a shooting and simulation video game that was created by Bohemia Interactive Studio in 2009. In this game the user can give instructions to other squad members to develop strategies and defeat the enemy on the map.

In 2012, the famous moder Brendan Greene better known as "* _PlayerUnknown_ *", modification of the game, DayZ which turned it into a horror of survival by adding zombies and a realistic way to represent fractures, infections, etc.

After the publication of Weapon 3 in 2013, this mode also was only adapted for video game, but the DayZ development team decided to separate and to create his own game.

Ark and The Culling

In 2015, the Wildcard Studio created a mode Battle Royale based on the game Ark: Survival Evolved Called Ark: Survival of the Fittest . What initially was an independent strategy to differentiate the two games, was completed by integrating the first into the second by license terms.

In 2016, a game called Early Access was published. The Culling created by Xaviant Games . This game was premised on the fact that the players only had 25 minutes to explore, loot and build elements to fight with each other. This project was also a failure in its attempt to exploit the Battle Royale as can be seen in Steam and its negative ratings.

PlayerUnknown's BattleUnion or PUBG ]

PlayerUnknown 's battlefields were released on 19 March 2017 with with Brendan Greene tops the development group, using his fashion experience Battle Royale that he acquired in 1945 DayZ and H1Z1 where he participated as a consultant.

This game was positioned as this year's most played title, and it remained so for many months on the platform of Steam . The main premise was that 100 players were jumping from a plane to fight on a map of 8km2 collecting weapons, ammunition and clothing to be the last man standing in each tower. 19659003] The innovation of this game was to have some sort of boundary barrier that was shortened from time to time, forcing players to stay in a specific area and fight each other to make the faster and more dynamic turns. of copies in China followed the liberation of PUBG but none of them was as successful as the new Greene . However, a new competitor would appear from Epic Games .

Fortnite: Battle Royale

Without a doubt the most popular video game of the last year of the Battle Royale Epic Games managed to do what PUBG could not at the time: position itself in eSports and exploit the kind monetarily.

Fashion is free, the strategy of Fortnite development society is to offer aesthetic elements within the video game. Today, it is one of the few games that has versions in Nintendo Switch PlayStation 4 Xbox One PC and other devices [19659003] In addition, Fortnite: Battle Royale would become the representative title of the game, allowing both Xbox and PC and mobile devices can enter the same game using their own terminal. Sony still has some problems to allow cross-play with other consoles, but it has been confirmed that they are considering this option for the future.

The Future of Battle Royale

Without a doubt, all companies have seen the revenue figures of Epic Games and have also joined this new trend. Games like Dying Light, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Dota 2 and still others have confirmed a mode Battle Royale . previous games have "invented" what would be the Battle Royale a good adaptation could do wonders in the industry. This is shown by PUBG and Fortnite who add millions of games every day to people who want to be the last survivor

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