Be careful, a new Google Maps tool can hurt you


Technology is synonymous with progress and updating, but all that is new is not good. On this occasion, the new tool Google Maps can harm users and encourage the advancement of scammers and fake accounts of criminals willing to increase their lucrative profits.

The case was announced in India, the country was one of the first to benefit from technological progress. According to the source Business Insider, the unusual form of crime uses an innovative form: it embodies the identity of banks via Google Maps. The "game" of crooks puts Internet users at risk because they trust the information and data obtained, believe without knowing that they can suffer the total extraction of their bank accounts.


According to the Hindu newspaper, Maharashtra police have been informed of the situation and issued a warning about this type of scam, after receiving several complaints last month. The authorities pointed out that if we were looking for contact from a bank in the Google search engine, the results would include the Google Maps page.

However, this activity has not been reported in other parts of the world, but the alert is active because virtual criminals are waiting for a virtual service failure, in this case Google, which suffered from a weakness in security your data and customers, convinced that the information provided by Google Maps is true and secure, agree to provide telephone information without knowing the consequences.

On the other hand, the Google representative spoke to The Hindu and said, "There are inaccuracies or incorrect editions." He added: "When this happens, we do our best to resolve this incident as quickly as possible," said the spokesperson.

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