Better low fat or low carb?


Any diet we eat, whether it's low in carbohydrates or fat, can work. That's what Dr. Christopher Gardner, a professor of medicine at Stanford University in the United States, who published a survey in the Journal of the American Medical Association says he says that you can lose the same weight with one of the both regimes to follow

In addition, Dr. Gardner and his team wanted to certify what some experts had said in the past: if the production of insulin or genetic factors they affected individual weight loss or made sure that a low fat diet was better than a low carbohydrate diet, or vice versa. Guarantees that there is no indication that insulin levels affect people with a low fat diet.


The story of a woman who lost 53 pounds at the age of 61 allows us to think that anything is possible if certain habits harmful to our health are replaced by healthier habits.

In the same way, genetic factors would not affect our desire to lose a few pounds, according to researchers, who worked with different genotype models. The study started in 2013 and analyzed, for several years, a total of 609 overweight men and women. They completed the process, which lasted 12 months, or 479 people in total, including 241 participants in the low-fat diet and 238 in the low-carb diet.

There are no differences

The research guidelines for each study group: people who were going to reduce their fat intake were asked to reduce the consumption of fatty meats, whole milk products and some nuts, such as nuts, for example; while those who would consume less carbohydrate had to eat less rice, cereals, bread and pasta, among other foods. They had no calorie limit, just an idea of ​​the type of food they had to avoid.

High carbohydrate foods (Source: iStock).
High carbohydrate foods (Source: iStock).

Help participants reach their goal they were taught with the goal of learning what it meant to follow their type of diet. And, although they have no caloric restrictions, if they limit the amount of fat or carbohydrate they can eat: during the first two months, 20 grams a day; then the lowest amount they thought they could keep. And always, coordinated with a group of experts who advised them on all subjects and controlled their health and evolution.

"Watch out for food, do not eat in front of the TV, go to the market, cook …" The way of eating is as important as the food itself

The results came at the end of the year of the study: Dr. Gardner explains to the endocrine website that people who were on a low-fat diet until the end they lost on average 5.4 kilos, while those who applied the low-carbohydrate diet lost a little more, 5.9 kilos. Practically the same

The secret lies in the commitment

Dr. Caroline Apovian, a professor of medicine and pediatrics at Boston University, believes that the study has its limits for the "lies" that the participants could have said, which is usually taken into account in these cases. However, he thinks that information about the influence of insulin and genetic factors can be very useful in the future, especially if they are confirmed by other ongoing studies.

For his part, Dr. Gardner focuses on the different people who participated in the study. There is a huge amplitude of resultsfrom people who have lost 18 kilos to others who have won nearly 10. That, in his opinion, has to do with the behavior with the diet: "People believed in us to help them change their relationship with food." But not everyone followed his instructions.


Different varieties of tea, coffee or water are some of the drinks you can not miss in your diet if you want to lose a few pounds.

Thus, Gardner assures that the advice provided by nutritionists to the people who participated in the study was decisive and that those who followed them best were those who lost more weight, regardless of the type of diet. that they followed: "Pay attention to the food, do not eat in front of the television or the telephone, go to the market, cook… "Therefore, the way you handle meals is as or more important than what you eat yourself.

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