Bioware shows us 20 minutes of anthem trailer


At the conference of E3 2018 the developer Bioware and EA Games we were shown for the first time a video gameplay of their next big project, the title of the game. ambitious action and wicks (robots), Anthem which was decorated as best action title of the conference in Game Critics Awards.

Recently, Ben Irving producer of the title, released a video-tape of 20 minutes of gameplay where he explains in detail the mechanical characteristics of the game while guiding us through the little demonstration, explaining a little background of the world in which Anthem takes place

Anthem will be a third-person action and shooting title where we can wear a powerful mechanical trajector to the pure Ironman style in an immense environment ] verticality perform missions in mode a player or up to 3 additional partners . The armor has "classes" as if it was a fantasy RPG and can be customized according to the preferred fighting style.

Bioware creator of important RPG titles such as Dragon Age and Mass Effect said that he would not come back to commit the mistakes of Mass Effect Andromeda, which has been severely criticized by users and the trade press.

The game will be launched on February 22, 2019 for Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

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