Blood Moon | Eclipse | What is a lunar eclipse of blood? | NASA | Trade | Technology and science | Science


The Luna Eclipse of Blood is a popular term used to describe a phenomenon in which the moon turns a reddish, slightly coppery color. Eye, the satellite does not disappear from our sight, it changes only color. Read on and find the answer to the question What's a blood moon eclipse?

For there to be an eclipse of the Moon there must be an almost perfect alignment of the Sun, the Earth and the Moon, which does not happen every month, because the orbit of the moon is inclined.

When our planet is between the star and the moon, it casts its shadow on our natural satellite.

– – Blood Moon —

The reddish color adopted by the Moon, for which the phenomenon is called the Eclipse of the Moon of Blood explains by the fact that the Earth's atmosphere derives the sun's red rays into the shadow cone, and the Moon can reflect them.

The Earth's atmosphere, which extends about 80 kilometers beyond the diameter of our planet, acts as a lens that diverts sunlight.

Depending on atmospheric conditions and, especially pollution, the moon can acquire a very dark reddish gray, or be dyed a more intense red if there are no particles in it. # 39; s atmosphere.

Thus, the moon acquires the coppery glow so characteristic of the so-called 1945-era eclipse. Luna of Sangre explains the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canaries

Astronomical spectacles such as The Luna Eclipse can be observed with the naked eye, without any danger. But binoculars, lenses and telescopes can benefit even more.

Unlike solar eclipses, Luna's eclipses are visible in much of the world, once the moon is on the horizon. the moment of the eclipse.

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