Carabayllo: An addict strikes brutally, cuts his face and sexually abuses an 86-year-old woman | VIDEO | PICTURES | Photo 1 of 3 | Police


Despicable attack! Nail 86 year old woman was brutally beaten by an addict, who cut off his face with a broken bottle and even sexually abused, in a room that his neighbors gave him at the Santa Rosa market in Villa Esperanza, Carabayllo. Neighbors have reported that the police or Ministry of Women Until now, he has not provided them with any help and all expenses are borne by people who take care of the elderly, who are hospitalized because of the beatings he has received in various parts of his delicate body.

According to the neighbors, it all started when the woman opened the door to a subject who asked for a glass of water, announced "America News". "He knocked on the door and as the lady opened the window, the guy grabbed his arm, (…) pushed him in, came in and closed the door, where he mistreated the lady and took her balloon. gas, "said a neighbor, who asks that this case be resolved urgently, because the woman lives alone.

The incident occurred on November 23 and until now, police or other authorities have gone to the woman's home to take DNA samples and identify the aggressor of the old woman.

The Collic Hospital He reported that the victim had been assisted by the emergency team on Friday afternoon but had not yet been transferred to a forensic center to rule out or confirm it. There was also sexual assault.

The crying old woman, assisted by the neighbors of the square, said that a "Black" he raped her. The woman has bruises on her face and chest, cuts on her arms and legs, and abrasions.

Currently, the octogenarian is going through a depression and has only its neighbors as support.


The octogenarian goes through a depression. (Video: America Noticias)

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