Carlos Alcántara: it would be the identity of the user who attacked his son


Last July, Carlos Alcántara outrage at the cowardly attack against his son Lorenzo by a user in Facebook what was his name "Arn N. DA", but the actor recently announced the alleged identity of this person.

"Four days ago, I received an e-mail of a strange name and he informed me that whoever had written the message about your son was Andynsane, which is a malicious youtuber, "said in Milagros Leiva's radio program.

"What do you do by blaming someone else?" "I do not care who wrote it, I already turned the page, it does not interest me anymore" , he added.


After that, the controversy of the Peruvian youtuber was not long in coming, and through their stories in Instagram He denied being the author of the cruel comment on Facebook.

"Clarifying things, I did not send an email to Carlos Alcántara to insult his son. What am I going to do that? I did not even know that I had a son. I do not know anything about his personal life. I admire him as an actor, comedian. Great talent, "he said.

He also said that what the popular "Cachín" was saying was an act of defamation, since it did not even intend to corroborate the information received.

"In my opinion, if someone tells me a rumor or he says to me:" Hey maybe he did something or x ". Until I confirm it, well, I do not tell anyone, let alone a radio and mention the name that such a person has told me. It's slander (…) Carlos, I admire you but this time, you're wrong. You can not just throw a name on the radio without proof or be very sure of your accusation, "he said.


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