Carlos Galdós hates Fujimoristas and other politicians: "I'm fed up" | Keiko Fujimori | Beto Ortiz | MTB | Shows


After receiving a wave of criticism for his unfortunate comments against Keiko FujimoriPeruvian speaker Carlos Galdós participated in Beto Ortiz on Tuesday evening and admitted that he had made a mistake, that he had disrespected him and made a bad comment.

"It was not good, it was bad taste, it was rude, yes, it already is, I did not mention the mother (to Keiko Fujimori ", said Galdós on the set of the ATV.

"I'm not happy because no one likes to be wrong." The controversial driver said when the reporter of "Beto to know" asked him how he felt.

After admitting his mistake and apologizing publicly for the unfortunate statements against the leader of Fuerza Popular, the famous radio host said that his youngest daughter and mother were victims of verbal abuse, a fact he convicted because he pointed out that he was the only one responsible

A few seconds after expressing his indignation live, Carlos Galdós was consulted by Beto Ortiz if he considered himself an "antifujimorista", to which the excuse of "La Noche es Mía" declared: "I am a people anti "I'm rotten that our country is in the hands of criminals, I'm fed up, fed up with politicians, they fuck me, I hate them, I feel a deep contempt for politicians."

In addition to answering the question of the driver of & # 39; Beto to know, Carlos Galdós returned to the attack on Keiko Fujimori and his entourage. "And I'm not antifujimorista, I do not go to sleep thinking about Keiko and I do not get up thinking about Keiko, Kenyi or Alberto." They fuck me what they do with the country "Sovereignty, sovereignty," he said.

The ex-face of Latina said that it had bothered her to listen to Keiko a few weeks ago when she had asked for peace, although she was not supposed to having allowed PPK to govern, that she also questioned. "Damn, destroy a country two years and then say," Oh, excuse me, now we are coming together to reconcile. It pisses me off, it makes me angry. "

Carlos Galdós said that he was known to have said what he thought about radio and on stage. "I'm known for that, I'm a comedian who stands on stage and I always have a position.That's how I'm always, I'm not lukewarm.If something kills me, I say it, "he added.

Currently, the pilot has thousands of followers on social networks. However, his words without filters have won a series of detractors who do not hesitate to send him hard messages.

As you remember, characters like Luz Salgado, Laura Bozzo and Pámela Vértiz They sent strong messages against him, calling his words offensive against women at a time when cases of aggression and murder are increasing.

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