Carlos Galdós was attacked by protesters when he entered the Beto Ortiz program [VIDEO]


November 28, 2018 11:15 am

A few days ago, Carlos Galdós monopolized all the criticism when he joked about the words of Keiko Fujimori's lawyer, who revealed that the head of the Popular strength has a "bucket and bath with a pot". The comedian admitted that he regretted his comments and said that a group of women had shot him projectiles upon his arrival at the Beto Ortiz program.

Since the beginning of the interview, he has held Beto Ortiz and Carlos GaldósThe radial driver said that at his entrance a group of women had thrown eggs at the door of the ATV canal. "He is with us Carlos Galdós (…) About twenty women threw eggs and other types of projectiles, "he said. Ortiz before the conversation.

READ MORE: Carlos Galdós revealed that his mother and daughter were harassed after his painful comment against Keiko Fujimori [VIDEO]

The assaults that he has accused Carlos Galdós He showed them pictures. "That's what happens at the gates of the canal, there are people with signs," he said. Beto Ortiz when displaying images.

"We do not know who they are, it's a group that wanted to protest, I got off the taxi and a lady shouted," There he is. "They were going to follow me," he said. Carlos Galdós.

LOOK ALSO: Carlos Galdós had to apologize after launching a controversial comment about Keiko Fujimori [VIDEO]

This fact has led users of social networks to criticize severely Carlos Galdós, despite the fact that the driver repeated his apology on more than one occasion. Until the congressist Luz Salgado He talked about it.

"This guy deserves to be punished for his terrible expressions, can not rely on freedom of expression because he practices aggression, insults and for that are not the signs that ultimately belong to all Peruvians, "said the former president of the The Congress.

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