Celebrate Banjo-Kazooie's birthday with this amazing silhouette


At the end of last year, collectors of everything related to the 90's plataformeros had reasons to be angry. This is so since First 4 Figures has announced that it has obtained the license to manufacture products from a few Rare titles. Today, the company has decided to give us the first look at its figure of Banjo-Kazooie .

As you can imagine, it's a statue that presents Banjo with a broad smile on his face, while Kazooie is behind him spreading his wings. Since the first 4 figures still do not share a complete picture of the figure, we do not know in what pose it will appear. That said, as far as we can see, we imagine that Banjo and Kazooie jump or fly in.

From what we see in the teaser, the figures of Banjo and Kazooie present the high standards of quality that characterized 4 Figures We say this because it respects the classic look of both characters and pay attention to details such as Banjo fur and Kazooie's plumage.

Since we know you entered the note to see the figure, we decided you to say more and leave you with your teaser:

What did you think? Would you like to have it? If your answer was affirmative, we inform you that your presale will start on Friday, July 6th. Note that its price has not been confirmed, but it should be expensive like other First 4 Figures products.

It is important to note that several high-resolution images of the figure will also be shared on Fridays. a video that will show your creation. So you can learn more about it before you buy it.

The bad news for fans of Banjo-Kazooie is that it seems that this is the only novelty of the forthcoming franchise. This is because there is no idea that Microsoft intends to relaunch it. That said, at E3 2018, we learned that Battletoads will come back after being forgotten for years, so hope is the last thing that dies.

Remember that you will find here other news concerning Banjo-Kazooie.

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