Chachapoyas: Give money to deceased football players so that they do not sue | Gilmer Horna | GH bus | The society


Fifteen days after the tragic road accident that claimed the lives of six 14-year-old schoolchildren, Chachapoyas, their relatives denounced the fact that representatives of the company GH Bus, whose unit was victim, tried to silence their claims in exchange for 3 000 500 soles, as well as the regional governor of Amazonas , Gilmer HornaHe would be involved in this scandal, since he is also the owner of the aforementioned transport company.

In a press article recently published in Beto a saber, relatives of victims said that after the accident, a lawyer from GH bus he offered them money as part of an extrajudicial settlement so that they could not initiate any legal proceedings in this case.

"They first told me that they were going to give us $ 2,000, and my wife said it was very little.

According to the report, the transactions were approved by Justice of the Peace Oscar Conche Zegarra, who maintained that he had refrained from legalizing the documents, fearing that the lawyer would denounce him as an impediment.

Accessed after the prosecution, Amazonas regional governor, Gilmer Horna, denied that relatives "can not sue" and that he has not seen the document.

Until now, the causes that led to this tragedy that killed six teenagers have not been clarified.

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