Changing lifestyles can reduce the risk of cancer by 30%


CIUDAD DE MÉXICO.- Change lifestyles how to exercise, eat healthy, stop smoking and consume alcohol can reduce even in 30% cancer risk, he said to Efe the doctor Enrique Bargallo Rocha.

"There are genetic factors that we can not change, but this disease is primarily caused by exposure to agents in substances that are consumed, drunk, or inhaled, so it is important to change these habits to counter the risk. of cancer, "said the expert. .

The head of the breast tumor department of the National Cancer Institute (INCAN) Mexico explained that, according to estimates from the World Health Organization (WHO), the incidence of cancer in the world could increase by 50% by 2030.

In Mexico, cancer is the third leading cause of death. According to INCAN figures, only in 2013, 195,925 new cases were detected and caused 84,172 deaths.

Bargalló Rocha said that the best way to counteract these numbers is to encourage research and to promote information and education among the population.

That is why, in order to promote to the Mexican people measures likely to reduce the risks of cancer, INCAN has presented today, jointly with the Mexican College for Cancer Research ( CMIC), the Cancer Prevention Information Campaign.

"People need to know that there are carcinogens in substances that are eaten, drunk or inhaled and that, associated with genetic factors, affect the development of a tumor," he said. Bargalló.

The campaign seeks to share basic information on prevention, inviting people to contact their first contact doctor in case of suspected cancer, to promote self-prevention education and to make a diagnosis. timely.

The initiative consists of five pillars that provide information on general prevention, diet and nutrition, rapid detection, the smoke and the hereditary cancer.

He explained that among all the preventable factors of cancer, tobacco has the greatest impact on preventing the development of this disease.

"It is important to reduce or eliminate the consumption of this cause of most cancers in the world," he said.

In this regard, he said that smoking was a source of concern, as it is well known that the population starts smoking each time younger, while the consumption of this product has increased in women.

With regard to hereditary cancer, the specialist said the population needed to learn to identify risk factors.

In this sense, he explained that one in 10 people may have a genetic susceptibility to develop Cancer.

"For example, when there are more than two direct relatives who had CancerWhen the tumor occurs in even organs on both sides (kidneys or breasts) when the age of presentation is much younger than usual or when it occurs in a rare genus, you may be likely to suffer, "he said.

He explained that the prevention of the main risk factors, besides the prevention of several types of CancerIt also helps reduce other types of diseases, such as diabetes, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, which are the first and second leading causes of death in the world.

According to Bargalló, this campaign, which is permanently active from this month, aims to be the starting point in the country to reduce the incidence of Cancer in future generations.

"We know it will be a long-term job, but we believe that people are now better informed about the risk factors that can lead to suffering. Cancer and, above all, to raise awareness of those who can prevent, "he concluded.

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