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By entering the words "carbohydrates" in Google, the predictive text proposes to complete the sentence with "fat". In this way, the algorithm of the giant of the Internet offers us one of the most sought after by the Spaniards, which is just an example of the bad conception that society has of these biomolecules.

Negative thinking about all carbohydrates is prevalent, but the reality is that this absolute judgment is not correct since "those of high quality are very good", explains Miguel Ángel Martínez-González, professor of preventive medicine at the University of Navarra in EL ESPAÑOL, and the same can not be said of others and can even determine which is the most harmful to health among the wide range of carbohydrates.

"You have to talk about the quality of each carbohydrate," says the professor. So, the most recommendable are solids, with a lot of fibers, full and unrefined, like those of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes.

In fact, a high quality carbohydrate involves a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, According to a survey of the SUN project (University of Navarre follow-up) published in the journal Nutrition, metabolism and cardiovascular.

This study, whose main investigator is Martínez-González, showed that people taking high quality carbohydrates a reduced risk of 56% suffering from myocardial infarction, stroke or death from cardiovascular origin, compared with those who consumed inferior hydrates. To perform the search, 17,424 Spanish volunteers of average age were followed for an average of 10 years.

Most harmful carbohydrates

For the professor, the worst carbohydrates are those containing soft drinks because "since the sugars are dissolved they go directly to the blood and this increases the need for insulin. "

This also explains that our brain interprets sweetened beverages as watery and that it does not feel satiated. Therefore, although it ingests calories, our body does not feel it and he is still hungry.

"In thin people who play a lot of sports, there is no major problem, however, in the case of the majority of the population, it is not recommended," he says. recalling that in our country a large part of the population is overweight and obese. . In fact Spain is the second largest country in Europe with more obese, according to a study published in the magazine The lancet.

He also emphasizes that "cookies are very bad ". "They have refined flour that is a low-quality carbohydrate, in addition to the added sugars and fats." For the same reason, it is stated that the industrial bakery is a food to avoid.

With regard to pasta and rice, he pointed out that depends on its type and the mode of consumption. So, the main problem is what accompanies our dishes of these foods rich in carbohydrates. "It's accompanied by vegetables, it would be a good food", but if the fried tomato sauce (which contains a lot of sugar) is not recommended, says the professor.

Similarly, he emphasizes the importance of cooking pasta al dente since "when it is overcooked and melted, it has a high glycemic index and it is not recommended". While he emphasizes the need to eat whole wheat pasta, it is a healthier carbohydrate.

In particular, a correct way to consume carbohydrates can help you not lose four years of life.

A Spanish habit to change

There is nothing more Spanish than eating with a loaf of bread. Pushing, wetting or simply cutting while waiting to eat is part of the tradition of our homes. But for the doctor the consumption of white bread is a habit that needs to be changed.

"Eat with whole wheat bread instead of white bread, it's a very simple change that can be made to the diet and is very beneficial. "

[Más información: La mentira del potaje: la dieta mediterránea sólo es beneficiosa para los ricos]

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