Check your boyfriend's cell phone, find "packs" and show it


CITY OF MEXICO.- trust is
something fundamental in a relationshipwithout it there is no
nothing however, even if there is too much complicity a
no one likes that other person check your phone.

Not always because there is a infidelity What
can be discovered but keeping the confidentiality.

However, when there is really something to hide, everything
twist An example is the story that we will tell you next.

In Argentina a girl exposure
to his boyfriend
after having forgotten his phone
his house

Maybe a lot of women in their situation have waited
return it but she decided to look at it completely.

Marcelo, the boyfriend he liked to send and receive
nude women
that he had among his contacts, and she
I did not hesitate to show it on Instagram.

I can not believe it. Take pictures of pijas,
breasts, asking girls to send pictures
I've talked to petes girls, puddles of milk. At all
Instagram who lies to them, who tells them that he is not with anyone, he
He was at home, in my bed.

Incidentally, there is another part of the story
because when the video went viral and that & # 39; Marcelo & # 39; has become popular,
I decided
to defend oneself through
of a statement.

Two months ago, I separated, but it hurts me to see that
society only where they come to listen to a version of the facts and take
it seems unfair, says part of your text.

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