Chimbote: urge you to participate in World AIDS Day activities


Chimbote Online.- Liliana Diestra Pastor, coordinator of the Reference Program for Sexually Transmitted Diseases (ETS) at La Caleta Hospital in Chimbote, urged the population to join the various activities carried out as part of the World Day Against Cancer. AIDS which is celebrated every December 1st.

He said that in La Caleta, 149 tests of this disease had been carried out as part of the screening campaign, in order to eliminate and prevent, but they proved to be negative. He also said that they would organize information fairs, a video forum and a rock band concert called "Sida Es Vida".

Diestra Pastor said the hospital is running free screenings from Monday to Friday from 7.30am to 11.30am, and Tuesday evening from 2am to 4pm.

He recalled that at the hospital, he had recorded 101 new cases of HIV and eight of AIDS so far this year and whose ages ranged between 20 and 35 years. He mentioned that up to now, 530 patients were receiving antiretroviral therapy.

He added that 5% of the patients who entered the hospital had not conquered the disease and ended up dying because the disease was in an advanced stage.

(By: Milton Palpa)

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