Chorrillos: the subject stabbed his partner in front of his children aged 3 and 7, then tried to commit suicide | VIDEO and PHOTOS | Photo 1 of 4 | Police


Not one less! A citizen Venezuelan attacked his partner stabbing inside his house Chorrillos in a new attempt to femicide. After leaving her on the verge of death, she attempted to commit suicide by ingesting a powerful rat poison.

According to América Noticias, the victim, Andrea Rivera Sánchez 25 years old, she was attacked by her lover, Piero C.G. of the same age. Neighbors Chorrillos They indicated that the subject had attacked him for no reason.

The terrible aggression occurred in the presence of the woman's children, two children of 1 and 8 years old. When he witnessed the attack, the elder tried to defend his mother, but was also beaten by the subject.

Seeing the bloody body of his partner, Piero C.G. He tried to commit suicide by mixing rat poison with a soda. Despite this, he failed to commit suicide.

The perpetrator and his victim were taken to Casimiro Ulloa emergency hospital Miraflores. According to the doctors, Andrea Rivera Sánchez He has several cuts on the neck and other parts of the body. His condition is delicate and to survive, he would remain in the vegetable state.

For its part, Piero C.G. Continuous in intensive care but the police staff is already in the hospital to stop it when it stabilizes. In addition, the Ministry of Women is already studying the case and should prepare the complaint for attempted femicide.


The Venezuelan leaves his partner on the verge of death. Video: America News

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