Christian Dominguez and Chabelita have celebrated two years of relationship, but this detail has attracted attention


Christian Domínguez e Isabel Acevedo they celebrated two years of romance and before that, the cumbia singer encouraged his interlocutors to talk about his future plans with the fighter, but these confessions drew attention to a detail.

& # 39; & # 39; Two wonderful years, happy. This past year has been the best year of life in all respects. More things are coming and 2019 will be spectacular too. We are very happy, happy, in love with projects, "he said at the beginning.

& # 39; & # 39; Everything is perfect, really. Sometimes I ended up in my bed at night and I say (what) is something wonderful, in love, the couple, the family, the in-laws, the nephews, "he added about his relationship with Chabelita, then surprise the idea of ​​being daddy again

"I would like to have a son next year." But Chabela said to me, "No, not yet my love, it's not the moment," and I say, "Yes, you "Marriage will come too, calmly, hope we can soon make our life together," he said.


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