Comic Con 2018: release date, collector's edition and resumption of Resident Evil 2 Remake | PlayStation 4 | Xbox One


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Comic Con 2018 of San Diego presented news of Resident Evil 2 Remake, a new version of the video game of the same name launched by Capcom 1998, as the reconfirmation of its release on the market, which will be January 25, 2019, the Leon Scott Kennedy and Claire Redfield the covers for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and also a special edition for collectors.

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The price of Resident Evil 2 Remake has a considerable difference in value compared to all sales for PCs and consoles PlayStation 4 and Xbox One . As a promotion for first time buyers, the video game will come with two additional weapons: Chris Redfield's Samurai Edge pistols (Resident Evil 1, Code Veronica, 5 and 6) and Jill Valentine (Resident Evil 1 and 3) for Leon Scott Kennedy and Claire Redfield.

PC: 260 soles, 80 dollars and 70 euros
PlayStation 4 : 276 soles, 85 dollars 73 euros
Xbox One : 276 soles, 85 dollars and 73 euros.

Producer Yoshiaki Hirabayashi also commented on the Capcom panel of Comic Con 2018 on the new models of his characters in Resident Evil 2 Remake : Leon Scott Kennedy and Claire Redfield


Leon Scott Kennedy ]

"Famous for having had one of the worst first days of working history, we've thought a lot about what your new look, both classic, looks like with modern photorealistic graphics. created a physical version of Leon's costume, then added it to the game by photogrammetry, then added small details and changes. "

Claire Redfield

"The new Claire design uses the same technology, with the scanning of a costume in the real world to capture every detail of her outfit. The team has had more of a discussion on how to design their new look, and how much of that should retain their appearance of the original Re Evil 2. In the end, the team decided on an aspect that would match Claire's iconic scene entering Raccoon City on her motorcycle. The team is very happy with its final design, and hope you will enjoy it too. "


For the moment, Capcom staff has confirmed that the collector's edition of Resident Evil 2 Remake will only be available for the US market and will be available for sale in the GameStop and EB Games stores, below, details.

DO NOT MISS: Capcom is preparing a remake of "Resident Evil 3: Nemesis "for PlayStation 4

 Resident Evil 2 Remake

Price: $ 200 ( PlayStation 4 Xbox One and PC)
Figure of Leon of 30 centimeters high
Comisar poster
Video game and alternative cover
Packs in DLC
] Soundtrack in digital format

Here are the covers of the video game Resident Evil 2 Remake for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One .

PlayStation 4

 Resident Evil 2 Renake

Excerpt from the movie Resident Evil 2

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