Commandos: The mythical PC saga comes back thanks to the developer Kalypso | retrogaming


Some thought it was a matter of time. The classic game Commandos of PC was sold with other titles. The Famous Green Beret Jack Butcher O 'Hara, Will Return to the Fights of World War II

The Developer Kalipso Media Acquired All Licenses Released Until 19459005 Pyro Studios . Among them, the mark of Commandos in addition to the distribution rights of the following titles:

– "Commandos: Behind the enemy lines"
– Commandos 2: Men of Courage & # 39;
] – Commandos 3: Destination Berlin & # 39;

Other games like Pretorians and Imperial Glory could see their return to PC Gaming since the rights were surrendered. Ignacio Pérez founder of Pyre Studios, commented on this purchase: "We have long been looking for a suitable partner for the pursuit of our products and our brands." Kalypso has great experience and experience in restarting Known titles, and we are delighted to have our IP in such good hands. "

It is more than certain that the remasters of the former titles of Commandos will be published.The launch of new games remains to be confirmed.

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