Cyber ​​Days 2018: All you need to know about the discount party | Photo 1 of 8 | Economy


About 70 brands will present their best and most attractive offer in their main lines of products and services today and tomorrow through the event called Cyber ​​Days organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce (CCL).

In this sense, the professional association has developed a study to know the strategies applied by the various electronics stores at the end of the year to attract more Internet users and the usual buying behavior, taking as sample more than 80 participating stores.

Among the results of the above study, they were asked what was the most used payment method for clients of e-commerce

42.7% said the favorite was the credit card up to now, followed by debit card (20.72%), payment to the bank branch (16.13%), payment against delivery (15.84%) and bank transfer (5.14%). %).

Jaime Montenegro, Director of Electronic Commerce of the CDC, said: "The most important challenges we face in our country and that will contribute to the growth of e-commerce are the growth of the banking system, access to the Internet, the continuous improvement of technological and financial education programs.

Regarding the age of Peruvian online shoppers, they are aged 18 to 24 (12.30%), 25 to 34 (47.33%), 35 to 44 (22.75%). ), aged 45 to 54 (7.77%), aged 55 to 64 (5.64%) and over 65 (4.21%).

It is observed that the public who buys mainly online in Peru is millennial (47.33%). However, the number of online shoppers aged 35 to 44 is lower than that of this generation, but their purchase price is usually much higher.

With respect to the under-25 age group, it is the younger Aboriginal technologies, virtually all of their businesses, that will be exercised online, that will gradually increase their online purchases as their purchasing power increases.

On the other hand, the observation that the adult public is buying more and more over the Internet makes it clear that the adoption of technology in his lifestyle is continuing.

The average purchase bill was also evaluated in the participating stores and it was observed that 7.41% were purchases below S / 100 soles, while 14.37% went from S / 100 to S / 300, 23.48% from S / 300 to S / 500, 28.54% from S / 500 to S / 700, 13.24% from S / 700 to S / 1000 and 12.96% from S / 1000.

Online purchase tickets in Peru have increased to such an extent that confidence levels have also increased so that online shoppers are gradually getting used to buying in this way.

On the other hand, more and more people are opting for product purchases such as smartphones, home appliances, family travel, among other products whose tickets in a single purchase even exceed S / 1,000 .

Finally, the brands participating in the study were also consulted, which are the days of the week when customers buy more and it was detected that they were Monday (24.53%), Tuesday (20.75%) and Wednesday (22.64%).

In the same vein, they were also asked what were the preferred hours for shopping online. Thus, 39.10% of respondents indicated that in the morning (between 8 am and noon), 26.28% had indicated that in the afternoon (from 1 pm to 6 pm), 31.41% preferred the night (from 7pm to midnight) and only 3.21% opt for the early hours of the morning.

With regard to promotional or differential strategies to increase sales, 24.39% of companies report free shipping, 26.83% apply seasonal discounts, 14.63% give coupons, 7.32% include activations with influencers, among others.

Some of the brands that will participate in Cyber ​​Days 2018 are:

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