Cyber ​​Days: Six Key Tips for Making a Secure Purchase | PICTURES | Photo 1 of 7 | Internet


The Cyber ​​Days ! From today and tomorrow will be the most anticipated electronic show by users before the Christmas holidays, organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce (CCL). It is expected that thousands of Peruvians will shop online from different participating companies offering discounts on products and services.

According to the figures of the CCLApproximately 42.7% of people shopping on ecommerce portals do so with a credit card, compared to 20.7% with a debit card. In this sense, it is necessary to take certain precautions into account so as not to be surprised by criminals.

Because of this massive online purchase, La Positiva Seguros offers six recommendations for you to buy safely and with peace of mind.

1. Do not open emails of dubious origin. On these dates, companies choose to send their offers and promotions by email, but criminals also exploit them. Do not open the links that arrive by mail, it could act of virus. It is recommended to enter each site directly and safely.

2. Check the web pages. Make sure the website you are purchasing is a safe and secure page because you will need to enter your card number and CCV code. Review the opinions of other users and validate the reputation of the company before entering your financial information.

3. Keep your equipment protected. Having an antivirus is a good way to protect your computer against viruses. Before you start buying, make sure your computer is safe, up to date and has a good antivirus. This is important because it will transfer financial information and you will not want it to fall into the wrong hands.

4. Use a secure Wi-Fi network. It is recommended, when buying, to do so via a secure network. The information transmitted by a public network can easily be captured by hackers.

5. Check the movements of your card. After making your purchases, it is important that you check your statement of account and that everything matches your consumption. If this is not the case, contact your financial institution.

6. Secure your transactions. You can purchase card protection insurance from an insurer or a financial institution. With this protection, you can prevent criminals from surprising you during fraudulent transactions. (Photo: USI)

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