Dictate prison against the ex-judge of Pasco for the collection of corruption | The law


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The ex-judge of Pasco, Jorge Balbín Olivera, was sentenced to five years in prison by the Supreme Court of Inquiry, after being found guilty of the offense of specific passive bribery, after receiving a pot in favor of an accused of rape.

It should be noted that the sentence pronounced by the aforementioned court is the product of an early termination agreement signed between the parties, the former judge having accepted the charges against him.

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As a result of this agreement, the supreme judge in charge of the case, Hugo Núñez Julca, fixed the sentence of imprisonment as well as the amount of the payment of the corresponding civil indemnity, which s & # 39; amounted to S / 40 000. Added to this is the penalty of recusation also for a period of five years and 323 days in favor of the State.

According to the prosecution, Balbín Olivera requested the surrender of 12,500 S / S to settle in favor of Elíseo Basilio Crisanto, prosecuted for an alleged sexual offense in 2009 against a minor.

You can Download here the judgment rendered by the aforementioned court or you can also post it in our Scribd file.

Res_798-2014-AA from La Ley on Scribd

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