Does your cell phone battery run too fast or overheat? They can be hacking | Technology


Your cell phone is not hurt, they hack it. Many of us have battery problems, whether they run out too fast or they overheat. Why is it happening? Well, it's probably a victim of cryptojacking.

Cryptojacking is the hijacking of the device (smartphone, tablet or computer) to extract coins. Cecilia Pastorino, computer security specialist at Eset, says more about it.

In Latin America, the largest number of crypto-piracy detections are in Peru. These minors affect web pages and make them vulnerable. "The attacker modifies the source code of the site to hide the cryptocurrency miner, so it is very important to check the websites and correct them."

How do I know if my equipment has been damaged? Pastorino commented that cryptojacking affects the use of the device's user resources. In case it is a computer, a laptop or a tablet, the hardware is slow, it is locked without any explanation. In the case of a cell phone or a smartphone, the battery runs out quickly or the computer overheats.

"Many of us think that this is due to the failure of the same cell phone, but in most cases it's because they extract coins." As a user, it is so very important to have a security tool, such as antivirus, that protects against these threats. "

He also said that we can all be victims or targets of any attack, especially because today many attacks are not targeted but are malicious codes that circulate on the network until someone else is attacked. 39, a grave C & # 39; s the person who manages the equipment but the team itself. "The more teams there are, the more money the attacker gets, and it's not just a threat for people in important positions or with relevant information."

Finally, he said, to deal with our mobile crypto-hacking devices, the first thing to do is to have a security solution, it's the first barrier to be free of any type of malware nearby. Having everything updated, it means that there is no vulnerability in the equipment. And finally, know what are the deceptions that circulate. Then being informed helps to avoid being a victim.

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