Edwin Oviedo spoke about the professional football Liga 2019 | Decentralized | ADFP | Peru | Lima |


The president of the FPF gave the reasons for the change in local football

The president of the FPS, Edwin Oviedo, refers to the organization of the tournament of the first division that is preparing for 2019. The head of the governing body of national football said that one of the main reasons for the creation of this new format is to make Peruvian clubs more competitive in international tournaments

"The organization of the professional football that dealt with it ADFP, will treat it from next year on FPS. For what reason, because our clubs are unfortunately in international tournaments: Copa Sudamericana and Libertadores, we are the last ones, "Oviedo told Canal N.

"As the governing body of football, we can not remain indifferent or indifferent to such a critical situation as our clubs live",

"Those who took football in a chaotic situation. FPS and the root of what they (ADFP), uncomfortable with the decision we made, "said the president of the FPS.

LEE TambiIN: Edwin Oviedo: "I will talk to Oblitas to talk about its continuity"

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