Electric cars in Peru: "They can be recharged from houses or electrocentres | Economy


The development of electric cars or electromobility is a project on which the State has been working for a few months now and which, with the exception of ISC (Selective Consumption Tax) A first step has been done.

However, it is necessary to regulate service stations that provide energy or recharge the batteries of electric vehicles.

In this respect, the Minister of Energy and Mines, Francisco Smiles He said the regulation would be ready by the first quarter of 2019 at the latest.

"We are looking for a way to integrate vehicles into the Lima transport system, for which we are working on freight regulation, which we believe will be ready in the first quarter of 2019", he expressed.

Regulatory progress

For its part, Rosendo Ramírez, Director General of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), commented that work was underway on the basic principles of service stations, such as the transition from alternative energy to continuous mode.

"What we think is that any agent (service station operator) can do this charging through the energy pumps"he said.

Since the spaces will be occupied by other fuels, they establish the minimum distances for the installation of these pumps and the types of connectors offering the greatest possible safety.

"The connectors depend on the technology used, that is to say that there are among others Japanese, Chinese, European and American technologies, any of which must be safe"he remarked.

However, Rosendo Ramírez said that electromobility is already a reality in other countries and " In practice, 80% of vehicle owners transport their loads home, and it could be the same in Peru, they can be recharged from houses or electrocentros ".

"The idea is that when you leave your home, you have the opportunity to always have a place for your recharge" he says

The difference between electrocentric stations and houses is that if in houses, full reloading can take between 4 and 6 hours; in a resort, this can be done in 20 minutes.

The rates

One of the evaluations examined by MEM also concerns the electricity tariff for the stations.

"The rates must be competitive for the service stations, because the consumer has the opportunity to use electricity at home," he said.

Costs and benefits

According to Rosendo Ramírez, another advantage is that a complete charge can give a vehicle between 200 and 300 kilometers of autonomy for its transfer.

While in terms of expenses, they estimate that a normal vehicle can spend between 40 and 50 shillings per day, this new system can reduce costs by 80% to only 10 shillings per day.

They propose that, as part of the start of the use of electric vehicles, the state renews its vehicles with electric service units.

"The idea is that gasoline cars, which cost around US $ 20,000, can be exchanged for electric cars for an average of US $ 30,000, and although the cost is higher, there is a cost of maintenance and a low fuel level, which makes up for the difference of US $ 10,000, "he said.

Electric mining vehicles

One of the MEM's proposals is that, with electromobility, these can be inserted in mining vehicles.
"We have good solar power resources in the south of the country, and we can develop a billing plan from a battery bank for mining," he said.
This would aim to save the amount of diesel consumed by these units, in addition to removing the CO2 emitted by the trucks in the mines. In addition, it would have sustainable mining with the environment, which would give it economic viability.
"This is an important point that, beyond regulation, is in the economic sense of solar," he said.

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