Epidemic of use of electronic cigarettes by American teenagers


Published at 13h06 EST (18h06 GMT) on Wednesday 28 November 2018

Increases the use of electronic cigarettes in adolescents to 80% To play


Published at 17h07 (22h07 GMT) on Wednesday 28 November 2018

AIDS remains a source of concern in Argentina "data-lazy-src =" https://cnnespanol2.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/181128170651-sida-argentina-enfermedades-transmision-sexual-vive-la-salud - azaret-00002213-full-169.jpg? quality = 100 & strip = info & w = 140 & h = 80 & crop = 1 "data-lazy-srcset =" https://cnnespanol2.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/181128170651-sida-argentina diseases- sexual transmission-life-the-health-azaret-00002213-full-169.jpg? quality = 100 & strip = info & w = 140 & h = 80 & crop = 1 140w "data-lazy-sizes =" (min-width: 200px) 140px


Posted at 17h03 ET (22h03 GMT) on Wednesday 28 November 2018

Endorsing Innovative Cancer Treatment in the United States "data-lazy-src =" https://cnnespanol2.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/181128164353-cnnee-cancer-tratamiento-full-169.jpg?quality = 100 & strip = info & w = 140 & h = 80 & crop = 1 "data-lazy-srcset =" https://cnnespanol2.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/181128164353-cnnee-cancer-tratamiento-full-169. jpg? quality = 100 & strip = info & w = 140 & h = 80 & crop = 1 140w "data-lazy-sizes =" (minimum width: 200px) 140px


Published at 15h32 (20h32 GMT) on Monday 26 November 2018

London fights against childhood obesity "data-lazy-src =" https://cnnespanol2.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/160909172339-oxford-street-buses-full-169.jpg?quality=100&strip = info & w = 140 & h = 80 & crop = 1 "data-lazy-srcset =" https://cnnespanol2.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/160909172339-oxford-street-buses-full-169.jpg? quality = 100 & strip = info & w = 140 & h = 1 = 80 & crop = 1 140w "data-lazy-sizes =" (minimum width: 200px) 140px


Published at 14:57 ET (19h57 GMT) Monday 26 November 2018


Posted at 11:53 AM ET (16h53 GMT) Monday 26 November 2018

The prevention of data "data-lazy-src =" https://cnnespanol2.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/181126115215-enfermedades-transmision-sexual-prevencion-vive-la-salud is essential to stop the ETS epidemic. -Zaret-00000000-full-169.jpg? quality = 100 & strip = info & w = 140 & h = 80 & crop = 1 "data-lazy-srcset =" https://cnnespanol2.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/181126115215-diseases- transmission-prevention -sexuelle vive la salud-azaret-00000000-full-169.jpg? quality = 100 & strip = info & w = 140 & h = 80 & crop = 1 140w "data-lazy-sizes =" (min-width: 200px) 140px


Posted at 14:04 ET (19h04 GMT) on Friday 23 November 2018

These people broke records by their weight "data-lazy-src =" https://cnnespanol2.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/181123135831-personas-obsesas-de-la-historia-bravo-spark-00001502 -full -169.jpg? Quality = 100 & strip = info & w = 140 & h = 80 & crop = 1 "data-lazy-srcset =" https://cnnespanol2.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/181123135831-personas-obsesas-de -la- history-bravo-spark-00001502-full-169.jpg? quality = 100 & strip = info & w = 140 & h = 80 & crop = 1 140w "data-lazy-sizes =" (minimum width: 200px) 140px


Posted at 10:56 am ET (15h56 GMT) on Friday 23 November 2018

Live Health: safe sex, healthy Latin food and special skills to improve "data-lazy-src =" https://cnnespanol2.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/181123105528-the-saved-have-the- health -promo-azaret-00004303-full-169.jpg? quality = 100 & strip = info & w = 140 & h = 80 & crop = 1 "data-lazy-srcset =" https://cnnespanol2.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/181123105528- This-Saturday-lives -the-promoting-health-00004303-full-169.jpg? Quality = 100 & strip = info & w = 140 & h = 80 & crop = 1 140w "data-lazy-sizes =" (minimum width: 200px) 140px


Posted at 09:14 ET (14h14 GMT) on Friday 23 November 2018

How can I help my disabled child to be independent? "Data-lazy-src =" https://cnnespanol2.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/181123080439-hijos-con-discapacidad-adultos-ayuda-quien-the- cuida-pkg-marisa-azaret-00004212- full-169.jpg? quality = 100 & strip = info & w = 140 & h = 80 & crop = 1 "data-lazy-srcset =" https://cnnespanol2.files.wordpress.com/2018 / 11/181123080439-hijos-con-discapacidad -adultos-ayuda-quien-los-cuida-pkg-marisa-azaret-00004212-full-169.jpg? quality = 100 & strip = info & w = 140 & h = 80 & crop = 1 140w "data lazy-values ​​=" (min-width : 200px) 140px


Posted at 12h03 ET (17h03 GMT) Thursday 22 November 2018

Smallest number of abortions in the United States in ten years "data-lazy-src =" https://cnnespanol2.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/181108143825-cnnee-embarazo-full-1691.jpg ? quality = 100 & strip = info & w = 140 & h = 80 & crop = 1 "data-lazy-srcset =" https://cnnespanol2.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/181108143825-cnnee-embarazo-full-1691.jpg?quality= 100 & strip = info & w = 140 & h = 80 & crop = 1 140w "" data -lazy-sizes = "(minimum width: 200px) 140px


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