Facebook hides users abandon their main application | Trade | Technology and science | Social networks


For the first time in June, 2.5 billion people use at least one of the family applications of Facebook : Facebook Instagram, WhatsApp or Messenger. This was announced by the social network in the presentation of its quarterly results to hide that users abandon their main application, but remaining faithful on Instagram and WhatsApp, reports the site "TechCrunch".

On the other hand, these data are quite useful to talk about relevance and scope. It's not a question of knowing how many profiles exist on different platforms, because ultimately only one person can have multiple accounts. But we are talking about 2.5 billion people representing the 2.23 billion monthly users of Facebook the billion Instagram, 1.5 billion WhatsApp and 1.3 billion Ce New type of metric allowed Mark Zuckerberg to report on Wednesday the second quarter earnings report of Facebook the same which revealed slower growth of the user at its lowest rate. The CEO of the social network said that it was decided to count individuals rather than active accounts, which "excludes cases where users have multiple accounts in a single application and reflects the fact that many people use more than one of our services ". 19659004] According to the editor of "TechCrunch", Josh Constine, it is possible that Facebook announced this statistic to distract attention "as his user account was reduced in Europe and remained unchanged in the United States and Canada "These facts, on the other hand, contributed to the extraordinarily low monthly and daily growth mentioned above, which ultimately resulted in a fall in the price of the shares of the company. society.

On the data, the financial director of Facebook David Wehner, explained that "we believe that this number better reflects the size of our community." It was quick to clarify that the number of users of Facebook "has multiple accounts for a single user, and accounts for 10% of active users a month from Facebook " or 223 million

While this measure hides the fact that the number of users of Facebook has reached a ceiling, at the same time it is a vote of confidence that WhatsApp and Instagram can still struggle to stay as a very profitable business, although the money now comes from the same person who left Facebook but continues on Instagram.

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