Facebook | Huánuco: schoolchildren risk their lives when they cross a mighty river | VIDEO | Peru | Huanuco


A video published in Facebook shows how a group of schoolchildren risk their lives by crossing a mighty river to attend their classes. The incident occurred in the city of Topa, district of Daniel Alomia Robles, province of Leoncio Prado, in Huanuco.

On the images, we see miners doing reckless maneuvers to reach the other side. Even, they are holding hands so as not to be dragged by the waters. Instead, there is no bridge that they can use.

This risky course for schoolchildren could be linked to the increase in river flow in the region during the rainy season that began in late October.

It should be noted that the Ministry of Education (Minedu) reported that schools should not prohibit the entry of students who arrive late in their schools.

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