Facebook launches the option to showcase your best stories | Trade | Technology and science | Social networks


Facebook now offers you the opportunity to make your ephemeral publications last more than 24 hours. The social network will soon launch Stories Highlights, as confirmed by "TechCrunch". Users will be able to choose out-of-date favorite photos and videos, collect them in thematic collections and post them on their profile.

The collection will have a title and a cover image. It will be similar to the Instagram Stories feature option and at the same time it will take you away from the source of your "inspiration": the Snapchat Stories feature you copied. In this way, the 150 million daily users of this option could be exposed to better processed material and previously lost advertisements.

"People told us that they wanted to highlight and save the stories that matter most to them. "said a spokesman for the social network before the proof of the function found by" TechCrunch "in the application code." We will soon start testing the strengths of Facebook a way to choose stories to stay in your profile, which allows you to easily express who you are in memories. "

highlighted) will appear in a horizontal scroll bar in the profile of the user. user, who will know how many people have seen them in the same way as in the stories.By default, it will be visible to all your contacts, but you also have the possibility to set restrictions.

The preview [19659006] In May, Facebook launched Stories Archive, a way to automatically save the stories privately in the user's profile instead of on their smartphone.These files are the basis for choosing which Highl elements

The removal of Snapchat

From the beginning, Facebook was widely criticized for copying the features of Snapchat after trying to buy it. But with the evolution of products, the stories of both platforms have evolved up to now to be two completely different characteristics.

While Facebook innovated in the function in its various applications to improve it, Snapchat was stagnant This was operated by the social network to expand to the international market, while the ghost platform was formed with American teens. This made the war being gained by the applications of Facebook as this table shows the number of users.

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