Facebook Messenger will alert you if you speak with suspicious accounts


The wave of fake messages that strikes Facebook is also sneaking into Messenger. And maybe one day you will receive a direct message from someone you do not know. Aside from the gesture that is already uncomfortable, do you think the account is suspicious? Do you want to know if this is really a fake account created for SPAM, phishing, malware or just touch your nose? Facebook is testing a function to avoid precisely this: the anonymity of suspicious accounts.

Suspicious Account Alert

It can be a friend or account created to encourage political division. Whatever the case may be, fake Facebook accounts and profiles are a goal for the company, which proves a feature that will give the user the opportunity to get additional information on that unknown contact who suddenly started talking to you. The tool will tell you things like if the account has been recently created, what kind of phone number you use to log in, and so on.

As we can see in this screenshot, the function informs you if the contact has used Messenger without being Facebook, the country where the phone number comes from in this case, Russia, an extremely active area in terms of groups of hackers and the culprit of the false news that manipulated the 2016 US elections …, if the account has just been created, if you try to impersonate a friend you added – in fact you even mention the friend himself so that you can be alert and ask him directly.

Messenger screenshot showing active functionality

War against false news

At present, according to a representative of the Facebook Messenger team, the function is still prominent : "We try a way to provide users with more context of people who have not contacted them before ", although" is a small test " indicating that we will still be slow to see this function implemented in a general way .

What is true? That's it would be welcome and ideal to clean a bit of the image of a Facebook who still feels the pressure of the disinformation campaign experienced in the 2016 US elections, in which he did not do much. And most importantly, continue to seek the trust of users who view it differently after the Cambridge Analytica scandal and the unpunished data theft of nearly 100 million users, before which it is investigated by the FBI and others agencies. [19659010] [ad_2]
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