Facebook: New feature would silence all notifications | Trade | Technology and science | Social networks


In order to avoid or reduce dependency on his platform, Facebook is working on a new feature that silences any notification that arrives. This was discovered by the network analyst and the source of important technology publications Matt Navarra.

The Do Not Disturb tool was found in the social network application code. Its graphical representation will be that of a switch that turns on or off to allow or block all notifications from Facebook .

According to the newspaper "La Vanguardia", the tool allows you to eliminate the notifications in ] Facebook for a period of half, one, two or eight hours; or for a day or more – the case of which will depend on when the user decides to reactivate the notifications.

This would be the second tangible measure of the actions of Facebook to avoid or reduce dependence on them. platform The first was the tool tiempo in Facebook which tells the user how long it was connected to the social network to keep a record, an average of daily hours and weekly.

] There are already several companies that have launched a battle for the welfare of users who have developed or are about to depend on their cell phones and the applications they have installed. Like Facebook Apple and Google are developing their own methods to help in this case.

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