Facebook: The plans you have for Instagram IGTV | Trade | Technology and science | Social networks


After the disappointing report of Facebook the company has more than ever needed Instagram to gain weight. While the social network is losing users in Europe, USA. and in Canada, the photographic platform is increasingly popular with younger people. In fact, it has housed people who have left the social site. And to boost its growth, it seems that IGTV is a "secret weapon".

The IGTV site is not present at the top of Instagram screen as they were the stories Facebook cloned Snapchat. But this video hub – some of which can last up to one hour – is in a standalone application and behind a static orange button on the home screen of the main application.

The position of IGTV within the platform means that people can search and update their page without necessarily finding the longest videos that exist. This is so that they are dedicated to exploring and spending more time in the application of the feature. While at the same time it depends on its presence in the application of Instagram to attract spectators.

All this makes that IGTV starts to try a new way to show a carousel of videos, reports the website "TechCrunch" "It was discovered by Jane Manchun Wong, researcher on the application, and confirmed by a company spokesman: "We are always testing new ways to post interesting content for people to Instagram ."

The carousel appears under the stories. Displays a mosaic of video preview with overlapping titles and lengths, in addition to the name of the creator and the profile picture. The intention would be to give a "proof" for people to be encouraged to search for more content, longer duration, in the IGTV application. This would create the expectation that users share more hardware.

Thus, Facebook considers that the vertical videos offered by IGTV and Stories are the communication channels of the future of social networks. These formats are what the network exploits in Instagram but its big problem is that it has not yet discovered how to monetize them. And it is his challenge that, if he is on the right track, he will be able to recover from the fall that he has suffered on the stock market, otherwise he will start to succumb to Wall Street.

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