Facebook viral: a teenager pulls the school year and his father requires him to wash his clothes by hand | VIDEO and PHOTOS | Photo 1 of 7 | Facebook


Huge punishment! A father, tired of the irresponsibility of his teenage daughter, decided to punish her for a domestic task that would remove the face of relaxation. The video of the reprimand is viral in Facebook and divided users of social networks.

"I am here with my daughter Nicolle Yuretsi, 14. We have just announced that she has lost her year again. Facebook, to your profile … and my daughter wants to be … look at the camera, why are you ashamed! "said the disillusioned father in the viral video.

"She lost the year and she just confirmed that she wants to be housewife. And how do you want to be housewifea … come … he will not wash his father's clothes to anyone else, not to his brother, nor to anyone else, his father. Because you want to be housewife That's it? You do not want to get ready, you do not want to be nobody in life, so you'll be housewife" continues saying father Facebook.

"I do not minimize or insult any woman who is housewife but many are because life has not given them opportunities. She has them and she wastes them so she is going to wash the clothes of a man who keeps her and will wash me by hand. Ready, you can start my beautiful love. And I washed the toditita by hand, I'll check by item, okay? " ends in father in the video of Facebook.

"So simple, without violence and with great respect", "In my opinion, the punishment was good, not an aggression, an insult and a lot of suffering", "One year covers the ridicule and the signal that caused his daughter , "some of the comments received by mail Facebook.

The teenage girl pulls the school year and her father requires him to wash his clothes by hand. Video: Facebook

The teenage girl pulls the school year and her father requires him to wash his clothes by hand. Video: Facebook

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