Facebook viral: police-led "air patrol" for three million followers | PICTURES | Photo 1 of 3 | Facebook


Social networks National Police of Peru They continue to surprise their followers. This could be seen a few hours ago in Facebook , where they announced a terrific draw in honor of their millions of followers.

"We are about to reach the goal and we want to celebrate the event by offering a lucky man and his two friends the experience of participating in a Air Patrol"says the publication of Facebook this has already exceeded 30 thousand reactions.

To participate, just give "I like" to the fan page of Facebook of the National Police of Peru, write "like" in the publication of the draw, share it publicly and mark two friends that you want to accompany in this adventure.

The winner of the air patrol offered in the Facebook The PNP will be announced on December 6, 2018, anniversary of the commemoration of the National Police of Peru.

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