Facebook: What is the function of the new Watch Party? | Trade | Technology and science | Social networks


Watch Party is a feature that Facebook tested in recent months. It allows groups to share video transmissions so all their members can see and comment at the same time without leaving the page. And now the function is officially launched, reports the site "TechCrunch."

Works as a combination of experience with the videos of Facebook Live, only that the videos are pre-selected and are offline. A selection of them is chosen to constitute a "set-list" and it is published so that all the members of a group look at it at the same time.

It works and is shared as any other element of Facebook : A caption or image is attributed to attract attention, videos are added and, when people are gathered, the transmission begins. The video will be synchronized for all viewers, while hosts can come and go in the timeline of the same thing and add more material on the fly.

People who could already experience this experience during the test period, now have new features, viewers can suggest videos with messages in the stream that the host can moderate to approve or not, and that each Watch Party can have multiple hosts that add videos.

Although the function is exclusive to groups, Facebook reported that it also tests support to activate it in Pages. It only works with videos hosted on the social network, does not allow YouTube, Twitter or other platforms.

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