Facebook will block the accounts of children under 13 who access this network


Facebook will block the accounts of children under 13 who access this network


By: RCM Drafting

Facebook and Instagram have toughened the implementation of their age policy to prevent children under 13 from accessing these social networks.

From Facebook they told the TechCrunch portal that an "operational" change in their policy for reviewers (moderators) – this week – will allow them to block the accounts of any minor user with whom they find themselves even if these users have been reported for other offenses. These changes also apply to Instagram

This means that moderators can now block any account by mere suspicion that the person is not respecting the minimum age.

Previously, Facebook only studied profiles declared as potentially owned. to minors of this age and their critics acted when they had a confirmation of non-compliance.

If the user has been unjustly blocked for age reasons, to recover the account he must send an official identification with his image issued by the government of his country.

Facebook prohibits access to users under the age of 13 to comply with the Children's Privacy Act. This standard requires parents' consent to collect their children's data

The Reason for Change?

This "operational" change comes after an undercover documentary produced by Channel 4 of the United Kingdom and Firecrest. Movies, in which a journalist becomes a moderator of Facebook's content.

In the documentary, a moderator is heard saying that they were instructed to ignore users who appeared to be under 13, arguing that "we must have proof that the person is minor, otherwise, we must act as if we were blind and we do not know what a miner looks like. "

(From RT)


About: RCM Drafting [19659015] Team of editors of the website of Radio Ciudad del Mar.

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