Filtered image and details on "Artifact" the Dota 2 card game


Commentator of Dota 2 of Thai nationality, Treephob "Xyclopz" Tiangtrong, deliberately fled an image of Artefact, the card game based on the # 2 universe of Dota 2 currently under development. With or without knowledge of the confidentiality agreement, Xyclopz disclosed an image showing the creator of the game's decks and new characters such as Ogre Bruiser, Mazzie, Dark Troll Chieftain or Kanna. Subsequently, Xyclopz proceeded to answer questions

Are there any new heroes?

There are many new heroes in every "color", like Ogre Bruiser, Mazzie or Kanna. I just lost against Kanna, it's very strong late in the game.

Is it fun?

It's confusing for 2 or 3 days, but when you learn to play, it's very entertaining. I could not sleep.

How does the ranking work? Is it similar to the Dota 2 MMR or is it a dynamic tournament?

There is a weekly tournament to balance the game. The winner's prize is $ 100. Playing Ranked is similar to playing in Gauntlet mode. This is a mode of "drafting" with your opponent

When will the beta come out?

I do not think there is a beta.

Is the game balanced?

Some people say that some colors are very strong, but I think red is a bit more powerful.

Can you create a deck with more than two colors?

Yes. You can put what you want. But it will be difficult to play because you will need a hero of the same color as your spells to play them

How much will the game cost?

I do not know yet, but I advise you to save to buy packages.

I do not know, but I think 12.

Is there a scarcity of cards?

There are more or less 3 or 4 quality scales.

After all this became public Treephob "Xyclopz" Tiangtrong was penalized for disclosing confidential information and his participation in the game was canceled Artifact did not still release date but will be available for PC, iOS, Android and Mac.

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