Fortnite: The first anniversary will be celebrated with challenges and prices | Android | royal battle |


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Fortnite celebrates one year since the launch of the video game and the creators have decided to celebrate this event with a celebration that will begin on July 24th. Through their blog they have published the realization of the event, where you can complete the challenges and research for the anniversary.

"There will be a big party that will include a birthday fight bus to butanero shells that carry delicious surprises, and we will die of desire to share it with you!", Epic Games announced.

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The event consists of 3 challenges, which you must complete to receive a prize. "If you deal a thousand damage to your opponents, you can win the" Fortnite Birthday "emoticon, dance in front of ten different birthday cakes to unlock Happy Birthday graffiti, and play 14 games to unlock 5000 PE, and if you complete these three challenges, you win the backpacker accessory "Birthday cake", published the creative society

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The producers also announced that the video game will be available to users of Android . Fortnite has raised more than $ 1 billion in one year. In addition, they created a new season called Battle Royale which was very well received by consumers.


Fortnite was released on July 25, 2017.

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