Fuerza Popular: Yeni Vilcatoma demands the expulsion of rsula Letona | Politics


The congressman Yeni Vilcatoma yesterday asked for the expulsion of his colleague Ursula Letona People's Bank of Fuerza because, according to her, she blocked a proposal to investigate Prom-Peru.

"He used all his power to obtain the file of the request of the Control Commission, which aimed to investigate allegations of irregularities [en Prom-Perú]"He said in a letter to Fuerza Popular spokesman Carlos Tubino.

Vilcatoma He added in his letter that the "behavior" of Latvia "has not been proven". Moreover, he pointed out that he "seriously" violated Articles 5 and 14 of the Congress Rules of Procedure, relating respectively to the function of political control and the mandate of representative.

The third vice-president of the Congress also assured that Letona had attacked the internal regulations of Fuerza Popular and "anti-corruption agreements".

Vilcatoma He expects the Supervisory Commission to receive extraordinary powers to investigate the contract signed by Prom-Peru with Sony Music Entertainment Colombia SA Last April, for the promotion of Peru through two video clips, for one million bucks.

However, last Friday, he said, via his Twitter account, that "the same lobbyists who wanted to prevent an inquiry into the investigation, withdrew from the plenary session yesterday. [jueves 22] so that the inquiry motion is not admitted to debate. "

According to the attendance and voting records, Letona attended the plenary session of the day but did not vote.

-Analyze the case
The same Friday, Vilcatoma He also posted on his Twitter account a message received via WhatsApp, in which an unidentified person asked him to "deflate" the Prom-Peru case.

The above message is dated October 9 and says, "Friend, tomorrow you'll see in the treasure [Comisión de Fiscalización] PromPeru. In fis, coordinate to deflate, folds [sic]"

So Vilcatoma assured in their social networks: "They have the intention to put pressure on me so that Prom-Peru is not investigated.I will not give in to anyone.My complaints will remain firm."

Fuerza Popular spokesman, Carlos Tubino, announced that he had received yesterday the letter from Vilcatoma.

"I asked for a discharge report to the member Latvia […]. Now [ayer] We have a caucus meeting and we will analyze the issue. This does not mean [que hay] a division within Fuerza Popular. I throw it, "he said yesterday afternoon.

-Evaluate the resignation-
Sources close to the congressman Latvia and Fuerza Popular said that they would evaluate the resignation of the bench.

This newspaper searched for its version, but did not respond to calls or messages.

Asked about a possible resignation, Tubino said that he did not know this information, but added that Latvia He did not go to caucus last night.

"She was not present, he was unable to attend and we did not communicate, but we hope to have more news tomorrow." [hoy]"He said.

Latvia he also did not send his waivers to Vilcatoma's complaint.
"We saw the case during the session, but we were unable to move forward because we did not receive landfills," Tubino explained.

– antenna
This is not the first time that Vilcatoma exposes its differences with LatviaIn September 2016, he accused him of "torpedoing" one of his plans to create an office of the Attorney General of the Autonomous Republic and independent of the executive.

"I'm not surprised that he wants to turn against my project," he said this time.

Clashes in PF

Donayre – Torres
In May 2017, Patricia Donayre (now dissociated) said that Miguel Torres had thwarted the electoral reform because of "orders from his boss".

Kenji Fujimori-Becerril
"Prepare the controller for the lions," Kenji Fujimori told his bench colleagues in June 2017. Becerril later accused him of being absent from Congress.

Daniel Salaverry spoke with Rosa Bartra at a plenary session during which they voted in favor of declassifying the Lava Jato report last October.

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