Genetically modified babies | Chinese scientist suspends essays | Technology and science | Science


The Chinese scientist who claims to have created the first modified babies genetically of the announced story a "pause" in his clinical trials after the global controversy triggered by his announcement.

At a medical conference held Wednesday, Nov. 28 in Hong Kong in a crowded amphitheater, He Jiankui reiterated that he had authorized the birth of twins whose DNA had been altered to make them resistant to AIDS virus.

He also explained that eight couples, all trained of an HIV positive father and an HIV-negative mother, had volunteered for the trial but that one of them did not. 39 was withdrawn.

"I'm sorry because the result was leaked unexpectedly"said He Jiankui, referring to videos posted on YouTube on Sunday in which he announced the birth of the twins named Lulu and Nana.

"The clinical trials are halted because of the current situation," said the scientist, who runs a laboratory in Shenzhen.

The announcement of these births has sparked fierce criticism worldwide for an act described as "madness" by many researchers. In the scientific community many also denounced the lack of independent verification or having exposed healthy embryos to genetic modifications.

— A step back —

Some experts consider that such modifications they could generate undesirable mutations in different areas from those treated.

But he defended his work Wednesday at the podium and said the parents, volunteers, were fully aware of the risks of "side effects" and "decided for implantation".

He also claimed that the Southern Science and Technology University, in Shenzhen City, to which he belongs, "I was not aware of the trial"

The center itself had previously distanced itself from the researcher by stating that he had been unemployed since February and without being paid, and that he was "deeply shocked".

The organizers of the conference also said that they did not know that there were investigations on He.

Round table moderator Robin Lovell-Badge said it was "a step backwards" for the scientific community.

"This is an example of an approach that has not been sufficiently cautious and proportionate," he said. "However, it is obvious that it is something historic, these two babies would be the first two genetically modified, it's a capital moment in history," added the moderator .

The conference chairman, biologist David Baltimore, Nobel laureate, denounced the "lack of self-regulation of the scientific community because of the lack of transparency".

— Research —

The geneticist, trained at Stanford University, says he used the technique CRISPR / Cas9, known as "genomic scissors", which removes and replaces unwanted parts of the genome as if you were correcting a typo in a computer.

The twins are born, according to him, after in vitro fertilization from modified embryos before being implanted in the mother's womb.

This technique opens perspectives in the field of hereditary diseases. But it is very controversial because the changes made would be passed on to future generations and could affect the entire genetic heritage.

The American scholar of Chinese origin Feng Zhang, who claims authorship of CRISPR / Cas9, felt that He's experience was dangerous and not necessary. "This experience should not have been done, what he did is not scientific," he told reporters at the conference.

China's Vice Minister of Science and Technology, Xu Nanping, said Tuesday, according to state television, that if the twins are alive, it's illegal.

According to the ethical principles published in 2003 on embryonic stem cell research, in vitro culture is possible, but only for 14 days after fertilization or transplantation of nuclei.

According to Qiu Renzong, a pioneer of bioethics issues in China, Chinese researchers often avoid sanctions because they only have to report to their institution. And some do not provide for sanctions in case of lack of professionalism.

China wants to become a leader in genetic research and cloning, but the shady areas of the country's legislation have allowed sometimes controversial experiences.

Source: AFP

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