Google Maps: Dog is caught after trying to escape by someone | PHOTO | Viral | Tedences | trends


Internet every day surprises many internet users. This time, the car of Google Maps, which films several cities of the world, captured the precise moment of a dog in a very complicated situation. The image has attracted the attention of many Internet users .

According to the photo, recorded by the Google Maps car, a dog trapped in the bars of a house after a failed escape attempt. Interestingly, the animal has been caught when it seems to be in a part of the door.

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The Dog as seen in the photo, has the part of the head and both legs forward, while the dog's back is stuck in the fence. Apparently, the holes were not as big as he thought.

Similarly, the dog seems to look around in case someone comes to help him. However, the Google Maps application has not recorded any smuggler on the scene, so you do not know if the dog has managed to escape.

This is not the first time that Google Maps car captures this type of images since every day it continues to surprise with its curious photos saved by the application. However, he will continue to capture more scenes in different cities around the world.


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