Google Maps: learn how to get directions to any destination | Trade | Technology and science | News


Google Maps through its mobile app is able to guide you to reach your destination in the most efficient way. This is because it uses real-time traffic information to find the best route. Thus, the navigation mode gives you voice guidance on traffic alerts, direction notifications, the best route and if there is a better way.

That is why, if you are a user of the application, navigation. This has variants that are available in some regions. In Peru, there is access to navigation for drivers and pedestrians. The bus option has little information, for bikes it only tells you where you can go, but it does not offer a route; while the mode for motorcycles is only in certain countries of Asia.

So, the first thing is to know how to get there. For this you need to enter the application from your smartphone or tablet. Find the site or address you want to reach. When you find it, you can press and hold the Route button to start the route in the last mode in which you used it and follow the recommendations of your current location.

If you want to select another navigation option or set a point The starting point different from your current position is enough to press the Directions button. In the popup screen, you can set your starting point at the top of the screen marked with a dot surrounded by a circle. Below this section, you can choose whether you want a route by car or by walking.

When you choose your option, Google Maps will show you a route marked in blue. If there are alternative routes, they will be displayed in gray. If you want one of the secondary guides, tap on it. So, the only thing left to start your turn is to press the Start button.

By default, a blue arrow will mark your move. The indications will be proposed in messages on your smartphone and in the voice guides. At the same time, you can see the traffic status and see the map of your view in the real-time option and pressing the compass needle that appears on the map. ;screen.

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