Google Maps: they discover a young man making an obscene gesture in Mexico and Google censorship | Google Street View | Mexico | trends


He was already censored. A young man was found making an obscene gesture to the Google Maps vehicle and the scene was immortalized in the application; however, he was recently scrambled by the Internet giant's developers.

According to the author of the discovery, he used Google Maps to make a virtual tour of the streets of Nogales a border town located in the state of Sonora, Mexico, l & # 39; 39, one of the most dangerous regions of the Aztec country.

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During a virtual ride, the user observed a controversial scene that staged a young mexican who apparently did not agree with the Google Maps car traveling the streets of his locality.

can see in the images, which were captured in May 2015 by Google Maps, as soon as he notices the presence of the Internet giant's vehicle, the boy lowers his pants and teaches the buttocks [19659003] The controversial scene, which apparently went unnoticed by the driver of the Google Maps car, was immortalized forever in the application; nevertheless, in the last hours it has already been censored by the giant of the Internet

This curious discovery is one of the many that Google Maps has done in Mexico, before it has also been done. Other controversial discoveries, one of which implied an alleged suicide that it was actually a hanging doll.

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