Google Maps: Travel in & # 39; Area 51 & # 39; and find a UFO and the vehicle of "Men in Black & # 39; | Google Earth | Google Street View | trends


A discovery from another world. Reviewing "Zone 51" with Google Maps, a young man allegedly ran into a mysterious car, which he thought belonged to the "Men in Black" because it was next to what appears to be a UFO that caused a great deal of fear in the networks.

According to the author of the video, who is a ufologist who devotes himself to the study of UFOs he was mapping with Google Maps the Nevada desert, where he is supposed to be the "Area 51" when he ran into a strange scene that caught his attention.

YOU CAN SEE Google Maps: terrifying image sows terror among users [FOTO]

This image, which the man zoomed in with Google Maps and was shocked by what he saw , the Google Maps application would have captured a UFO a discovery that generated a lot of debate among its supporters on YouTube. 19659002] The most curious thing about the scene that was captured or Google Maps, is that this assumption UFO was accompanied by a vehicle, that the author of the discovery told the car of the mysterious "Men in Black".

If you came to see the film starring Will Smith you'll know that the & # 39; Men in Black & # 39; are generally related to extraterrestrial activities, going to the place where there was an observation and erasing the memory of all witnesses. [19659002GeneralAmericanGovernmenthasexistenceofthexistofmany videos in YouTube which show that these characters are entering installations where something unusual has occurred and then disappears in a few seconds

. ] Despite the clarity of the images captured by Google Maps in United States many people think that it would not be a UFO, but a circular construction, for example a water tank, only from the sky gives the impression of being an extraterrestrial spacecraft.

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