Google Maps: travels the pink zone of his city and captures her husband and son in a compromising scene | Google Street View | Google Earth | trends


A woman stared at the pink zone of her city with Google Maps and surprised her husband and her son in a compromising scene that went around thanks to social networks

According to the woman, who resides in the United States she had to go to an address and as she did not know very well the place, she had to resort to Google Maps, in particular from its Google Street View tool.

You can see Google Maps: search his mother-in-law's house and find out his wife's secret [FOTOS]

If you do not know, Google Street View lets Google Maps users visit the streets world's largest this because of the 360-degree photographs taken by the company's vehicle.

Apparently, while the Google Maps vehicle was traveling through the pink area of ​​this city, he involuntarily caught the husband and the older son of this woman r, entering an adult supply store.

Although their faces are blurry, since Google Maps has this policy to protect privacy, the dress and texture allowed the woman to recognize them

According to the woman, who published her story in Reddit when she showed her son and her husband a picture taken by Google Maps, they just smiled and said it was a long time ago

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